Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well it has been a long time since I updated. Friday I started the trip up to denver by riding from town up and over wolf creek before meeting up with the crew in between south fork and del norte. Denver is awesome city, Tricia loft was an sweet setup within walking distance of just about anything you would want to do. Schmity friends from salt lake flew in for the weekend. The car ride up was filled with crazy 70 mph winds blowing the snow over the road and making it appear to be a white out. Saturday Chop and I went to the skate park in downtown denver. It was a sick cement park with tons of different sections including a 15 foot deep bowl. There had to be over 200 people there so it was a little crowded. Saturday night we headed to see the roots live which was crazy. They killed it for 3 hours straight playing just about ever type of music you could think of.

Sunday we headed home and it was a easy trip but once I was home I started feeling a bit under the weather. I guess I caught a touch of the stomach bug and ended up puking a couple of times. Monday i laid around and tried to recover from my rough night. Tuesday I got back on my bike with snyder and did the airport dirt roads. Tuesday I introduced schmity to the cherry creek loop.

During the tour of cali our house has turned into a theater considering that we must be the only college kids with digital cable. On top of that adigga's guitar hero has become a big hit. Noah is showing up early and leaving late trying to become the next guitar hero.


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